Sunday, July 14, 2013

Easiest breakfast EVER!!

I have had a VERY busy past few months!! Which has left me neglecting my blog in a severe way. {But I promise the upcoming posts will show you what I have been up to & I hope you will feel its worth the wait}
But back to the easiest breakfast ever....right? Well as I was saying my life has been full of changes & projects & some stress so I always welcome easy stuff to make life easier {& if I come out looking like a rock star.... well thats just a bonus}
So I peruse Pinterest daily {yes im an addict..... dont judge} & for those who do the same, you pin away filing for the day you KNOW you will need it.
Well last week all that pinning paid off.  Every other month at my day job we have a breakfast meeting.  As a team building process we are assigned a team to cook for this meeting & it was my teams turn to cook. This is not an easy for 25 people earlier in the morning than you care to be awake & at I turned to a pinterest recipe that I have wanted to try & with no trial run we attempted the Ham & Egg cups & kept our fingers crossed that we wouldnt be the 1st team to offer no breakfast at all.
Well suffice to say these suckers were so easy to make {& cute to boot} that we all sat & drank a cup of coffee while most other teams are usually slaving away up until meeting time. We were given high praise & I knew if I didnt make these at home for the hubster tp try....I was going to be in T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!
Drum roll please................
No trouble here & I didnt spend 1/2 of my Sunday morning in the kitchen!

~Happy Creating

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